The 4 brand styles

Working together with small women business owners over time to help them build there brands and websites in an authentic way, there was crystallizing out, that there are 4 different brand styles. My research about colors, values and style helped me to shape and group this four styles into a system that helps you to find your place and direction with your brand and business. This post is an overview of the four styles: The lighthearted brand style The lighthearted brand style fits into the element of air. There is a lot of spring energy in this style, the rebirth and awakening of the nature in this time of the year. The start of something new, the joy, vitality and movement that helps you to truly anchor in the feelings that please you. Brands that fit this style are wholehearted, happy and loving. You deeply care about others, wellbeing and love to empower the ones around you and help them to start projects in their own freedom. You inspire others to follow their bliss and you do this form a place of kindness and love. The colors of the lighthearted brand style are bright, light and shades of pastel. Lot’s of white and clean space helps to support the purity and is the perfect space to hold some dots and splashes of happy spring colors. Floral patterns, whimsical fonts with lots of swirls and a touch of handmade creativity are often some of the components that help a business in this brand style to define their unique expression.¨ The earthed brand style The earthed brand style is connected to mother nature and loves to explore different parts of the world to open and stretch their mind for new possibilities. Autumnal energy defines the rich harvest of this style in all natural and earthed colors. Warm colors and shades of green, browns, reds and yellow infuse a connected, grounded, supportive and protected ground to flourish and grow. Brands that fit into the earthed brand style are mostly sensual and sustainable in a holistic way. The element of earth gives the strong roots and a fertile soil to grow on. Businesses that fit into the earthed brand style are often build on connections and they are wrapped in layers of warmth and protection. Authenticity, honesty and respect towards our whole planet are two very important parts that hold everything together and make the whole brand coherent in a natural way. The classical brand style This brand style is all about balance and flow. The classical brand style fits into the element of water, which gives businesses that fit into this style a balanced, harmoniously and calm aspect. Shades of blue and gold are the colors which are often used in businesses with a classical brand style. It’s season is summer which makes brands in this style look professional and like they know what they do. Brands with this style usually have a calm and assertive energy that carries through their whole business. This style is graceful, centered and comes form a place of security and stability. It’s deepness awakes curiosity and often brands in this styles are wrapped into wisdom, patience and empathy. Businesses in this style often follow a clear shaped vision, love to raise awareness and are lifelong learners which makes their business grow beside themselves and shape through the years into an a strong tree with stable roots. The minimal brand style The minimal brand style is overflowing with clarity and focus for what is essential. Minimal businesses are often guided by passion and use a lot of black, white and some grey. Sometimes there is a minimal use of clear and bold color mixed with the black and white style. The style goes out of the way to really let shine the content and what is beyond the first sight. Businesses in this brand style are often powerful, own their worth and radiate confidence. Innovation and leadership are important parts of their story. The element of this brand style is fire and the lines are straight forward and clear. Distractions get cut out straight away. It’s season is winter which helps to balance out and infuse purity into the eclectic energy force of this brand style.

4 thoughts on “The 4 brand styles

  1. anastasia

    oh Im definetely the top one – I did your quiz and also got the top one! lovely colours sing to me!
    I found you via Pinterest – you pin the loveliest images!

  2. anastasia

    oh Im definetely the top one – I did your quiz and also got the top one! lovely colours sing to me!
    I found you via Pinterest – you pin the loveliest images!

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