How to find out that you are on the right path

There was a time in my life where I just didn’t saw any opportunity for myself and at the same it is really this time span that made me into who I am and taught me that I can be anything I want. I hadn’t made any important education. I was young and really struggled to set myself towards one direction. My interests where in a very wide range, I didn’t saw where all these things could meet and possibly fit together. I felt lost and without future. Young people in the society are often forced to just fit in and I was that kind of girl that rebelled against this. I wasn’t interested to do the things like anyone else was doing, it felt boring to me. I did not want to be just another kindergarten teacher, metal smith, web designer or photographer. I always longed to break out, to think out of the box. To do it my way. So I’ve chosen an harder way, looking back now I know, but I have learned so much about life, my passions and what it really means to be of service for others along the way. And all along the way I had a dream inside me. I knew that I wanted to do something that I love and I also wanted to help others to do the same. Before I even knew how I could do this, there was this strong calling of making the world a better place. A place where we are happy, where on Monday morning we love coming back from holidays. Because going ahead working on our projects fulfills us and makes us feel the way we want to feel. Working for something we believe in and we really love doing makes all the difference.

What do you believe in and how would you change the world for the best?

My vision of a perfect world is to have the time to spend into the projects we love and that we can stop going to work for causes that we don’t stand behind the message. That work becomes our life and shapes our personality. Who we are is what we give. soulful business website spiritual entrepreneur Working together towards a world of more beauty, a world where we sincerely smile to each other when we meet on the street. Taking just our own responsibility into charge, even if we start as little as with smiling at strangers. I think there isn’t a right or false path, all we do in our life is what makes us into who we are, but it is time to open our eyes and feel inside us how we feel about doing certain things. Do you have this little seed inside you? This project that makes your eyes sparkle when you speak about it? I know how it feels and I am here to help you to grow this little seed by watering it with love, clarity and first action steps. I know how it feels to be alone on this path and seeking desperately for the perfect recipe and step by step instructions what to do next. I know how much hard work goes into building something with a truly anchored foundation that holds also when a storm is coming up. I know how it feels when you already went through courses and workshops and still don’t know where to start. I learned to surrender, to connect to my intuition and to trust my path. You don’t need to do what anyone else does, there is no right or false, there is just doing it instead of holding yourself back from real growth.

You have the permission to do things in your way.

You have the permission to stop, breathe and feel into the moment if a possible decision seems to be right and you want to dive deeper. Hold your dream near your heart, give your vision time and space. The time will come when everything what you now don’t see, will fall into place and make perfect sense to you. Problems make me excited, meeting difficulties is what makes me stretch and learn things. I also believe that there isn’t any proved strategy that works for everyone. We all have to find out what works for us, and more important a way that makes us feel the way we want, while doing it. When you figure out how to overcome a specific challenge you learn something through experience. Feeling it in your body. Doing it, really helps you to build a deep knowledge that has strong roots and isn’t a shallow thought that you heard from someone else.

You are on the right path, always.

Without the dark sides you wouldn’t be able to acknowledge the light, you wouldn’t see its existence. It’s your divine path, own it. Rock it and hold on your dream to follow. I’d love to hear about your dream. I see myself as a soulful, visual storyteller and it is my mission to help others to see their story, put the puzzle pieces together to find clarity on their path, holding hands while digging deep into their soul and bouncing ideas back and forth to shape a magical offer with a deep message that fits together with who you are and how you want to feel.

Subscribe to my newsletter if you are ready to follow this magical journey of self discovery, building a business out of your strengths and finding a path to make money out of what you love doing.

4 thoughts on “How to find out that you are on the right path

  1. Julia

    Great article, Eos! Whenever I find myself in doubt about my work and dreams, an affirmation starts “playing” in my mind (thanks to Louise Hay): “My unique creative talents and abilities are flowing through me and are being expressed in deeply satisfying ways. My creativity is always in demand.” It always works. 🙂

  2. Julia

    Great article, Eos! Whenever I find myself in doubt about my work and dreams, an affirmation starts “playing” in my mind (thanks to Louise Hay): “My unique creative talents and abilities are flowing through me and are being expressed in deeply satisfying ways. My creativity is always in demand.” It always works. 🙂

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