Why failing is a good thing
Is there something in your life that you really would love doing?
A big secret dream of how your ideal life would look? A vision of who you would be?
Do you know what holds you back?
What is it against your success? Maybe the pain you are afraid to feel in case you fail? The fear of loosing your vision? How do you feel if you are not able to express and do what you imagined in your head?
It hurts to feel our boundaries and limitations. But is it worth it to just remain little and not shine our brightest light? Just because of the fear of what would happen if you would loose your dream?
This dream you had inside you since you were a little girl.
How does it feel to you, to live your life having a purpose? Where in your body do you feel this expansion? Wouldn’t it be very liberating if you could put away these fears and worries forever and remain in this feeling?
I feel this strong passion and determination like waves in my body when I think about them, it is tickling in my thorax and expands in all parts of my body until the tips of my fingers and toes. I try to recall this feeling, when I feel stuck, it brings me back on track, it helps me to sail my ship into the direction of my dream future, even when I don’t know the next step to take, when I feel unsure, I just recall this feeling and stay with it for some moments.
Find how this feeling for you, how do you describe it? Where do you feel it? The more you recall it, the easier and more familiar it will be. Just be gentle with your self.
What would be the worst case if you take the next step?
Is it really so bad, as your fear is big?
Failure is what makes you grow, if you never fail, you hold yourself back from growing. You put yourself in a invisible cage and you don’t use your wings to fly.
You will store your dreams, safely and secretly, in your imagination. You only access them at night when you are alone with yourself.
You are here to change, right?
So, it is important that you go ahead for your dreams. Put them into words, write your words down, make your vision tangible, figure out the steps you need to take to move closer to your goals. Just don’t let you hold back from the fear.
Take the risk.
Make your dream a reality.
3 important steps to take the way into your dream life: