Soulful Business Podcast 
Essentia Lux

A sacred space for soulful women entrepreneurs to align their life and business with their essence. Through soulful insights and practical tools, this podcast empowers you to embody your gifts and create a radiant, authentic business.

Together we co-create our reality and our beautiful planet earth. Embody your essence. Be the light. We are the change we are waiting for.

Podcast image for Episode 19 - The Medicine of the Universe and my personal transformation from this last year

Episode 19 – The Medicine of the Universe and my personal transformation from this last year

In this Episode I share a little bit about what I mean with "the Medicine of the Universe" and the obstacles and thoughts around growing out of an old version of ourselves to be able step into our vision and dreams.   I also share a little bit around my own personal transformation I went...
Podcast image for Episode 18 - 3 tips to move from procastination to inspired action

Episode 18 – 3 tips to move from procastination to inspired action

How to get back into the flow when you feel overwhelmed and are in an energy of procrastination. In this episode I will share the three main things I do to get unstuck and move forward with my projects and ideas.
Podcast image for Episode 17 - Branding and the art of weaving the deeper layers of energy into our business

Episode 17 – Branding and the art of weaving the deeper layers of energy into our business

In this episode we explore the energy layers of your brand that shape and hold the invisible container and make your business magnetic for the right clients.
Podcast image for Episode 16 - How to use the full moon energy for your business growth

Episode 16 – How to use the full moon energy for your business growth

Podcast image for Episode 15 - Inside and outside motivation

Episode 15 – Inside and outside motivation

In todays episode I share about the energy of creating and growing our business from an inside motivation and how this brings us into a deeper soul alignment. I also share about how to use outside motivation in a way to create inspired and aligned action. This is an invitation to dive deeper to find...
Podcast image for Episode 14 - Silent integrity and the most important teaching of my grandfather

Episode 14 – Silent integrity and the most important teaching of my grandfather

Silent integrity to me means being deeply connected with our inner essence and following our own truth and serving the world through the work we do from the inside out instead from the outside in. Silent integrity means to do the right thing even when nobody is watching.  
Podcast image for Episode 13 - Attracting clients instead of chasing them

Episode 13 – Attracting clients instead of chasing them

In todays episode I share the difference of when we are in an energetic state of attraction for our clients and when we are chasing clients. Chasing clients feels repelling. Attraction feels inviting and wide open. I also share an easy exercise of how you can shift towards an energetic expression and frequency of attraction...
Podcast image for Episode 12 - Building bridges takes away pressure and gives the possibility to grow sustainable assets

Episode 12 – Building bridges takes away pressure and gives the possibility to grow sustainable assets

In this episode, I share how having a safety net opens a space for soul-aligned creation and takes away the pressure of competition. Slow and soul-aligned growth in a society and surroundings where so much is about competition, profit, quantum leaps, and fast results can sometimes feel like creating a revolution. A way of leading...
Podcast image for Episode 11 - Change your perspective to grow your business in a soul aligned way

Episode 11 – Change your perspective to grow your business in a soul aligned way

In this episode, I share how changing your perspective creates a field of energy around you and a center of trust inside you that is a fertile ground for growth in a sustainable way.
Podcast image for Episode 10 - Calling in clients - 3 tangible steps

Episode 10 – Calling in clients – 3 tangible steps

In this episode, I share tangible steps and my experience of how to call in clients in your soul-aligned business. I share my go-to inspiration on what I do to find clients when I am in the liminal space of having finished a project and starting something new.
Podcast image for Episode 9 - Autumn Energy in your business

Episode 9 – Autumn Energy in your business

Keeping connected with our goals and committed to our vision and nourishing what is alive and what brings inspiration instead of fixating on numbers regarding our growth. Building a business needs nourishing. It needs commitment and showing up for what we desire. From studying my own human design and getting certified in human design for...
Podcast image for Episode 8 - Your Business and the garden of abundance

Episode 8 – Your Business and the garden of abundance

Business is a cycle Trusting our own journey. There is so much distraction and our resistance can support us in not tending to what is in front of us, but believe that we need more or different. I love to see my business projects like a garden of abundance where we can put seeds into...
Podcast image for Episode 7 - The essence of soulful marketing

Episode 7 – The essence of soulful marketing

Shifting our energy about marketing from feeling that it is something complicated and not aligned towards a way of showing up with an open and genuine heart. At the heart of marketing is connection and creating happy clients. I want you to show how marketing can be something that fills you up in your energy...
Podcast image for Episode 6 - Celebration ignites business growth

Episode 6 – Celebration ignites business growth

Celebration is a way to anchor in our business growth and create momentum. Growing our business in a soulful way it is normal that our journey has many ups and downs. Celebrating and practicing gratitude is a way of really noticing all the good things that are happening to us and for us. It is...
Podcast image for Episode 5 - Launching creates expansion.

Episode 5 – Launching creates expansion.

Launching a product or website is a way of expanding our current normal and creating a new and bigger capacity. It means to go beyond the current level we are comfortable with and anchoring in a new level of growth. It is a way of balancing the build-up of energy with strategy and inspired pragmatic...