Are you working online or locally?
My own business is 85% online. I connect with my clients through video chat, emails and online spaces for my webdesign work, the coaching and branding.
The only thing that really is offline are my photography services and soulful business retreats.
Having my work location independet, is what allowed us to move from Switzerland to Spain and choose a place where our lifestyle and core values are supported by the environment.
In this video I share some easy ways on how you can get started to move more towards working online if you are already working locally and desire to invite more freedom and location independence into your life.
Sometimes I ask myself if we can even know this feeling in our limited physical body?
I have some memories of moments in my life, where I felt free and light.
Fleeting moments.
One particular moment was last October when we moved.
The Balearics are three Islands and Ibiza is in the Sud, Mallorca in the middle and Menorca in the North. To move with the ferry from Ibiza to Menorca, you have to take the ferry from Ibiza to Mallorca, cross the whole Island with your car and take the next ferry from Mallorca to Menorca.
The journey isn’t a big distance between each other, but you take quite some time.
We had two cars, one big one and one smaller one and my husband and older daughter together with our three dogs were in the bigger one and I was driving behind in the smaller one.
We left behind everything we knew again to move to an Island we never ever visited before and had all our belongings in these two cars.
There, in the middle of the night, while crossing the Island of Mallorca, I could feel a feeling of freedom arise in me I never had before.
The knowing that everything that was dear to us was inside those two cars. Knowing that to do the work I love and that sustains our lifestyle I just need a stable internet connection. The feeling that we could go wherever we want and there was nothing holding us back or stopping us.
I savored it all in and I go back to this feeling of lightness and freedom whenever I need it in my life.
It’s this feeling inside of me that gives me the confidence to settle down for life here in Menorca on this beautiful Island, as it feels like I have found the freedom I was looking for inside of me and I want to support you to find that freedom for you in your life and work too. If you need some help on creating a business that gives you freedom, feel free to reach out and book a discovery call so we can find out how I can be here for you and where you can get started.
Wishing you a beautiful and inspiring day.
With Love,