Episode 23 - My mission and the roots of my business

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I hold the intention of a world where we all lean into our strengths, and support each other to see our light. Where we all are the lighthouses that weave a net of beauty and prosperity for all of us.

I want you to choose yourself. Knowing that you have everything you need inside of you and when we unravel the layers of conditioning and dust, your magic was always there and your light was always on.

I am here for the quiet leaders.
I am here to connect with deep thinkers with a wide open heart.
I am here to weave my story and listen to yours.
I am here to hold the space for us to expand our capacity of visibility.
I am here with intention.

Business to me is my sacred ceremony.
My gift to the world.
My way of expression.
My calling, my mission and my legacy.

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You are invited into our Aurum membership circle. We have biweekly calls to hold you accountable for your soul-aligned business growth.

Holding the space in this way creates a deep and sacred commitment to yourself. My intention for you in this circle is that you trust your own inner wisdom. I would love to welcome you.

Together we co-create our reality
and our beautiful planet earth.
Embody your essence.
Be the light.
We are the change we are waiting for.